Book a workspace

Free reservation for members

Workspace reservation is a members only service of our library. You can become a member without monthly costs, or sign up for a free trial.

Become a member now

Sign up for a free trial

Booking & checking in: 3 steps

  1. Book online

    Enter the email address that’s linked to your library membership here. Select a location, date and time and then choose from the available workspaces.

  2. Check your email

    After booking you'll receive an email within several minutes. If you didn't get the email, please check your spam. 

    In your booking confirmation you will find your reservation code - so please do not delete this email.


  3. Check in at your workspace

    Check in by scanning the QR code at your workspace and fill out your reservation code.

    Please note: if you don’t check in, your reservation will be cancelled after 15 minutes.