
Have a look at our books in English

At the Midden-Brabant Library we have books, magazines, movies, courses and much more to offer. In our 15 library locations you have access to 350.000 books, including a broad collection of English titles. They are arranged into sections such as Adventure, Non-fiction, Romantic comedy, Thriller and so on.

Browse through our collection

The advantages of a membership

As a member of the Library you can:

  • Use our public computers for one hour a day.
  • Take movies, games and other materials home.
  • Log in to databases like Pressreader and read newspapers and magazines from around the globe. 

Compare our various memberships

If you're not a member, you can still use our computers for an hour a day. You can do so by paying each time for the duration of your computer use. Or you can get a computer pass by paying € 5,00 a year. Just ask one of our staff. 

About the library

The library has much to offer. Activities. An enormous collection of books, games and movies. Courses to follow. Answers to questions about government issues, like housing and healthcare allowances. Locations with free wifi to work or study.

We are working on translating several other pages of our website in English. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to get in touch.